Errors with GPS Tracks

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Errors with GPS Tracks

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Really enjoying using MapRunF but I'm seeking advice as to the best way to deal with Tracks which have errors. From reading other threads it appears that a low battery may be the cause.

However, the Track below has lost gps and recorded incorrectly.


1. Thoughts on why this may happen? (Must add that the vast majority of uploaded tracks are fine).
2. What is the best way to correct this so that the competitor sees a correct Track of their route?


Paul Addison
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Re: Errors with GPS Tracks

Peter Effeney

If you see straight lines in a GPS track, check that you are allowing MapRunF to run in the background. Otherwise, when your phone screen blanks, MapRunF is not allowed to run and so no tracking occurs until you wake the phone up and then you get a straight line joining the two end points of the "sleep".

The other thing can be, that MapRunF uses the "fused location" service which allows the phone to determine locations based on GPS, known wifi network locations and cellular towers. If these settings get messed up, you can find your location jumping erratically to some fixed point on the map (an apparently "random" point).

- Check the Android/iOS settings to ensure MapRunF can run in the background
- Check re battery saver settings to might impact the GPS
- Try a run with wifi and cellular turned off
- On Android, consider using an App like "Test GPS" to reset your A-GPS settings (

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Re: Errors with GPS Tracks


Greatly appreciated, thanks.


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Re: Errors with GPS Tracks

In reply to this post by paddison
At the bottom of this page you can find a technical issues guide that we have put together that could be of some use.
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Re: Errors with GPS Tracks

Thanks Mark - I'll take a look.

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Re: Errors with GPS Tracks

In reply to this post by Mark
Mark, do you mind if I include a link to your trouble shooting page from our website ?  It’s excellent (and I’m lazy)!
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Re: Errors with GPS Tracks

In reply to this post by paddison

 Excellent - Are you happy for me to link to your trouble shooting guide.

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Re: Errors with GPS Tracks

Robyn Rennie
In reply to this post by Peter Effeney
I have been using an app - GPS Connected - which locks to the satellites. This seems to have improved the tracking. Just have to remember to Unlock when finished as there is a small draw on the battery.