MapRunF GPS stops working indefinately after a period of time

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MapRunF GPS stops working indefinately after a period of time

Colin Merry
Using LG Nexus5, MapRunF 5.0.9. Typically ok for start + one or two controls then red status bar and no reversion to normal. Time continues to advance so app still running. Display t-out 30min, MapRunF location and storage permissions on, battery: no optimisation. Seems to work for 5-20minutes only. Battery condition is ok. Two identical phones used with the same result. (used in areas with clear view of sky)
When failure occurs I can run the GPS Test App and can see that GPS reception/processing is still working ok. If I return to MapRunF and select "continue run" the red status bar persists.
I'm hoping that it is setting which is wrong. It has  worked ok occasionally (2 times out of 16). Can anyone help please.

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Re: MapRunF GPS stops working indefinately after a period of time

Nik W
This post was updated on .
I've been having a similar problem with my Samsung J5 android phone - the start and the first control or 2 register then it seems to stop communicating with the GPS. If I run a GPS tracking app at the same time it records the track accurately so I don't think it is a fault with the phone GPS. Be interested to hear of any solution!
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Re: MapRunF GPS stops working indefinately after a period of time

Richard Evans
In reply to this post by Colin Merry
Exactly the same problem here. Connection lost after a few minutes and not re-established. Same problem out on a course or at home. Several others described similar issue at club training last night.

Google maps GPS location is working fine, and much more accurate than Maprun, which seems to have a consistent offset of maybe 7m,always in the same direction, where Google Maps seems to be within a couple of metres.

(I realise I have described two issues which may not be related!)

Very frustrating!