Maps tiled using MapRun utils give MapRunF error on start

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Maps tiled using MapRun utils give MapRunF error on start

If I tile a kmz map (as generated by OpenOrienteeringMap) using the MapRun util at:
The resulting event is generated fine.  However if this event is downloaded to MapRunF (Android, 4.8.8), on pressing "Go to start" the error "Error: Format Exception: Invalid double" is given and no map is shown.  Nevertheless, the track is captured in the background and eventually results are uploaded OK.  If the same event is recreated using an untiled kmz this error is not seen.

Any ideas?

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Re: Maps tiled using MapRun utils give MapRunF error on start

Can you attach the KMZ or the doc.kml embedded in the KMZ?
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Re: Maps tiled using MapRun utils give MapRunF error on start

Peter Effeney
In reply to this post by d-dixon
Sorry, there is a known bug in the o-utils function if the angle of rotation of the map is zero.

If you are using maps from there is now a direct export in KMZ format.

If using OpenOrienteering Mapper you may need to rotate the map a touch to avoid the issue.... Or better still, if the file is not particularly large, an untiled version is fine.

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Re: Maps tiled using MapRun utils give MapRunF error on start

Peter Effeney wrote
Sorry, there is a known bug in the o-utils function if the angle of rotation of the map is zero.

If you are using maps from there is now a direct export in KMZ format.

Thanks Peter - I thought that I should tile this oomap kmz output but clearly that's not a good idea - I have reverted to the original file...

[Looking at the files - I suppose going through and replacing:
should work?]

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Re: Maps tiled using MapRun utils give MapRunF error on start

Lawrie Brown
Yes, updating all the rotation XML lines in the "doc.kml" file inside the KMZ archive, so they have an explicit "0" value fixes the problem. You need to extract the "doc.kml" file, patch it, and then update it in the archive. I've done this with a number of kmz files I've generated on the OOMap site and tiled using the OUtils tool.

If you are a Unix user, I use the following little shell script to automate the process:

# fix bad rotation value in tiled kmz
[ ! -f "$KMZ" ] && echo "specify kmz file" && exit 100
rm -f doc.kml*
unzip $KMZ doc.kml && \
    perl -p -i.bak -e 's|<rotation></rotation>|<rotation>0</rotation>|g;' doc.kml && \
    zip -u $KMZ doc.kml && \
    echo fixed $KMZ && diff doc.kml doc.kml.bak && rm -f doc.kml doc.kml.bak